Applying the above workaround without modifying the UITK is easy enough with the following trick, inside the context menu component:
Binding { target: __foreground property: "activeFocusOnPress" value: false }
This works for context menu implementations based on Popover (or ActionSelectionPopover), but unfortunately it doesn’t for the browser’s mobile implementation, which inherits Dialog, because Dialog also does this:
Component.onCompleted: foreground.forceActiveFocus()
Not sure how to inhibit this behaviour.
Applying the above workaround without modifying the UITK is easy enough with the following trick, inside the context menu component:
Binding {ress"
target: __foreground
property: "activeFocusOnP
value: false
This works for context menu implementations based on Popover (or ActionSelectionPopover), but unfortunately it doesn’t for the browser’s mobile implementation, which inherits Dialog, because Dialog also does this:
Component.onCompleted: foreground.forceActiveFocus()
Not sure how to inhibit this behaviour.