Now to find changesets for all of them:
- CVE-2007-6681: 338264a2e56e3f780957817665b7ec8fa41dd6ff - CVE-2007-6683: b426b192c7712eaa08c5f55d08ef648226d6d421 - CVE-2008-0073: 8c838a6fe5f3bdb4af4f5f73d7ac0206ea92e029 - CVE-2008-1489: 09572892df7e72c0d4e598c0b5e076cf330d8b0a - CVE-2008-1686: c1c81073e661f7d80197711ab11753e1e170b44c - CVE-2008-1769: cf489d7bff3c1b36b2d5501ecf21129c78104d98 - CVE-2008-1881: 94baded6eff88e39c98b6e3572826f16f21ceec3 - CVE-2008-2147: c7cef4fdd8dd72ce0a45be3cda8ba98df5e83181
CVE-2008-1881 is the fixed fix for CVE-2007-6681.
All of the CVEs I've removed from this bug are bugs in libraries with which our vlc is dynamically linked.
Now to find changesets for all of them:
- CVE-2007-6681: 338264a2e56e3f7 80957817665b7ec 8fa41dd6ff a08c5f55d08ef64 8226d6d421 4af4f5f73d7ac02 06ea92e029 0d4e598c0b5e076 cf330d8b0a 80197711ab11753 e1e170b44c 6b2d5501ecf2112 9c78104d98 9c98b6e3572826f 16f21ceec3 e0a45be3cda8ba9 8df5e83181
- CVE-2007-6683: b426b192c7712ea
- CVE-2008-0073: 8c838a6fe5f3bdb
- CVE-2008-1489: 09572892df7e72c
- CVE-2008-1686: c1c81073e661f7d
- CVE-2008-1769: cf489d7bff3c1b3
- CVE-2008-1881: 94baded6eff88e3
- CVE-2008-2147: c7cef4fdd8dd72c
CVE-2008-1881 is the fixed fix for CVE-2007-6681.
All of the CVEs I've removed from this bug are bugs in libraries with which our vlc is dynamically linked.