Finaly this got me hopefully the last 1MB from the partition.
#dd if=/dev/sdc7 of=raid-part-tail bs=512 skip=38586019
2048+0 Datensätze ein
2048+0 Datensätze aus
1048576 Bytes (1,0 MB)
I noticed the fdisk output added "+" to to the size column of the partition (what ever that means), it being an odd number, and these "Notes_on_dd_and_Odd_Sized_Disks" (last sector missing with linux):
I got the beginning with
dd if=/dev/sdc7 of=raid-part-head bs=1M count=1
Fdisk etc. output with various units and "block sizes" but never stating the actual unit sizes is a mess.
#blockdev --report /dev/sdc7
RO RA SSZ BSZ StartSec Size Device
rw 256 512 512 195896673 19757090304 /dev/sdc7
#blockdev --getsize /dev/sdc7
Finaly this got me hopefully the last 1MB from the partition.
#dd if=/dev/sdc7 of=raid-part-tail bs=512 skip=38586019
2048+0 Datensätze ein
2048+0 Datensätze aus
1048576 Bytes (1,0 MB)
Note: on_dd_and_ Odd_Sized_ Disks" (last sector missing with linux):
I noticed the fdisk output added "+" to to the size column of the partition (what ever that means), it being an odd number, and these "Notes_
http:// 74.125. 77.132/ search? q=cache: wxd4K1L8Bc4J: www.cftt. Notes_on_ dd_and_ Odd_Sized_ Disks4. doc+dd+ copy+last+ sector& cd=7&hl= de&ct=clnk& gl=de