Comment 0 for bug 146686

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Ubuntu Gutsy, all updates installed

Upon connecting an external hard disk, I get the error message:
Cannot mount volume.

Unable to mount the volume.


mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /
dev/sdb7, ______ missing codepage or helper program,
or other error ______ In some cases useful info is found
in syslog - try ______ dmesg | tail or so

This bug report is not about whatever problem caused the error. It is about the error message itself.
* It uses the word "mount", which makes little sense to most people. ("Open" or "read" would be better.)
* "Cannot mount volume" and "Unable to mount the volume" are redundant with each other. Only one of them should be present.
* The details are full of odd whitespace (simulated above by underscores). This should be collapsed.
* The details are mostly jargon, only helpful to me if I guess that I'm supposed to type them into a terminal window. (But even if I do, then what?)
* "or so" doesn't make sense in this context.

It may save time to fix this bug 132279 at the same time as this bug.