Comment 5 for bug 555358

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package libgpod - 0.7.93-0ubuntu1

libgpod (0.7.93-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low

  * New upstream version:
    - various bug fixes in HAL/udev iPhone callout which would make it fail
      to dump SysInfoExtended more often than not.
    - fix iPod Classic 80GB support
    - handle TV Shows, Movies and Music Videos on iPhone better
    - fix python bindings for the iPhone
    - fix OnTheGo playlist parsing (the 1st on-the-go playlist was always
    - automatically call itdb_shuffle_write when itdb_write is called if needed.
    - some gint32/guint32 changes were made in the public API, this shouldn't
      break anything, but please report a bug if it's an annoyance for you.
    - lower udev rule priority so that it runs after the usbmux udev rule.
    - define ipad ids (lp: #555358)
 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden> Wed, 07 Apr 2010 13:36:42 +0200