According to changelog.Debian lightdm is using "bash for the session to improve error handling" to fix #678421.
Unfortunately this can break the session start up when the user sets the $PATH environment variable in ~/.bashrc. Then /sbin might no longer be in $PATH and /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99cadence-session-start won't find /sbin/upstart when calling "upstart --user"
The mechanism is the following:
1. /usr/sbin/lightdm-session lines 37-42 source among others ~/.profile
2. The usual .profile of /etc/skel will ~/.bashrc if the shell is Bash (and not /bin/sh)
3. ~/.bashrc (maybe) is setting $PATH without /sbin
4. upstart --user call fails as /sbin is not in $PATH
According to changelog.Debian lightdm is using "bash for the session to improve error handling" to fix #678421.
Unfortunately this can break the session start up when the user sets the $PATH environment variable in ~/.bashrc. Then /sbin might no longer be in $PATH and /etc/X11/ Xsession. d/99cadence- session- start won't find /sbin/upstart when calling "upstart --user"
The mechanism is the following:
1. /usr/sbin/ lightdm- session lines 37-42 source among others ~/.profile
2. The usual .profile of /etc/skel will ~/.bashrc if the shell is Bash (and not /bin/sh)
3. ~/.bashrc (maybe) is setting $PATH without /sbin
4. upstart --user call fails as /sbin is not in $PATH
Suggested solutions:
* switch back to /bin/sh
* make sure that /sbin is in $PATH