Comment 1 for bug 1075976

Revision history for this message
James Hunt (jamesodhunt) wrote :

There are a few problems here...

1) autopkgtest is running the tests are root, which isn't permissible for Upstart.

    adt-run claims to be able to run tests as a non-root user, but that functionality is currently broken (see Debian bug 686292).

2) autopkgtest uses libeatmydata with LD_PRELOAD which causes some tests to fail since data isn't persisted to disk.
    I've raised an MP to add a --no-eat option for auto-package-testing but aside from unsetting LD_PRELOAD, I'm not sure how
    this option could actually be specified for the Upstart autopkg build?
    See: lp:~jamesodhunt/auto-package-testing/partial-fix-for-bug-1075976

    I've also updated xnox's branch with some tweaks: lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/raring/upstart/autopkgtest

3) Some of the Upstart tests in the Ubuntu package are racy. This has been fixed upstream and the next Ubuntu release
     will thus grab those fixes but due to (2), we're hitting these races.

4) The test environment provided by adt appears to not have a controlling terminal which causes one of the test failures
    (see bug 888910 - fixed in upstream Upstart).

I wonder if we should create a "test" ("test_init" - pun intended :-) that runs before the others that essentially sets up the required environment to avoid duplication:

- creates user
- modifies dbus config for Upstart

In fact, since the DEP-8 spec makes no mention of test setup/teardown or indeed the order in which tests are run but the latter does appear to be sequential we should atleast put recommendations in place on this topic since it can't be that uncommon a requirement.