Comment 0 for bug 876146

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manny (estelar57) wrote : Upgrading Ubuntu is risky (unusable or unbootable PC). The Upgrade Popup does not warn of the risks or offers fail-safe alternatives. This is a mouse trap for unsuspecting users.

typical bad upgrade forum post:

bad upgrade pic (unbootable)

[ubuntu] Thread for failed upgrades (huge list within 24 to 48 hours)

Lots of angry users with broken computers that need rescue...

Yes, that's how bad the situation has become.

The friendly Upgrade popup has become a mouse trap for new and unsuspecting users.

Warnings and fail-safe alternatives and/or advise should be offered. Specially for users who cant risk having their computers broken. Nor have the knowledge, will, time and patience to fix something like this.

I think this should be Critical for "Precise" pangolin as the number of users upgrading will be in the Tens if not hundreds of thousands, since this will be the new LTS.