From: Bug 640207 [mailto:<email address hidden>]
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 9:29 PM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: It's the wheel of karma
Also if they had or set the standard of Downtime = Doubled downtime days added to subscription, maybe things like this would stop happening. I just find it rather sad that they haven't yet thrown money at the issue, because they could probably resolve it if they cared enough to spend the money. 10 Days added onto a subscription is not a whole lot. Xbox games would sometimes come with free day trials and sometimes would come with 1 week free trials if I remember correctly. I just feel like 5 days is laughable. I also totally agree that not only was the downtime 5 days but it's also more important that it happened during the holidays when EVERYONE probably wanted to spend more time than usual playing.
I've been looking for some cool things and I've found that nice stuff, please take a look http:// hope.ifbbprocla ssicphysique. com
Typos courtesy of my iPhone, loris aliffi
From: Bug 640207 [mailto:<email address hidden>]
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2017 9:29 PM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: It's the wheel of karma
Also if they had or set the standard of Downtime = Doubled downtime days added to subscription, maybe things like this would stop happening. I just find it rather sad that they haven't yet thrown money at the issue, because they could probably resolve it if they cared enough to spend the money. 10 Days added onto a subscription is not a whole lot. Xbox games would sometimes come with free day trials and sometimes would come with 1 week free trials if I remember correctly. I just feel like 5 days is laughable. I also totally agree that not only was the downtime 5 days but it's also more important that it happened during the holidays when EVERYONE probably wanted to spend more time than usual playing.
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