This bug looks like it was fixed in gettext-el, but the latest
addition to the bug report suggests that sawfish has the same problem
(i.e. calls emacsen-common code without arranging the dependencies as
per /usr/share/doc/emacsen-common/debian-emacs-policy.gz), so I'm
reassigning this bug to sawfish.
reassign 153860 sawfish
This bug looks like it was fixed in gettext-el, but the latest doc/emacsen- common/ debian- emacs-policy. gz), so I'm
addition to the bug report suggests that sawfish has the same problem
(i.e. calls emacsen-common code without arranging the dependencies as
per /usr/share/
reassigning this bug to sawfish.
Rob Browning
rlb and; previously
GPG starting 2002-11-03 = 14DD 432F AE39 534D B592 F9A0 25C8 D377 8C7E 73A4