Comment 6 for bug 221023

Revision history for this message
Wim (wim-bertels) wrote :

Problem with the ubuntu mirrors?

I'm running the update as i type,
unfortunately i'll probably have a lot of work..

Whats up.

As in bug 41023 my the following lines are commented out by
the update-manager.

# deb dapper main restricted universe multiverse
# deb-src dapper main restricted universe multiverse

# deb dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse
# deb-src dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse

# deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse
# deb-src dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse

So they are just commented out, and not changed to hardy..

So for now,
the "cleaning up" step takes like for-ever.
this got me wondering

some output
root@lothar:/home/wim# tail -f /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log
2008-05-15 19:32:19,483 DEBUG marking 'libxaw7' for removal
2008-05-15 19:32:19,502 DEBUG package 'libxaw7' has unwanted removals, skipping
2008-05-15 19:32:47,490 DEBUG 'libxaw7' scheduled for remove safe to remove, skipping
2008-05-15 19:32:47,491 DEBUG tryMarkObsoleteForRemoval(): ttf-arphic-ukai
2008-05-15 19:32:47,640 DEBUG marking 'ttf-arphic-ukai' for removal
2008-05-15 19:32:47,660 DEBUG package 'ttf-arphic-ukai' has unwanted removals, skipping
2008-05-15 19:33:05,475 DEBUG 'ttf-arphic-ukai' scheduled for remove safe to remove, skipping
2008-05-15 19:33:05,475 DEBUG tryMarkObsoleteForRemoval(): usbutils
2008-05-15 19:33:06,333 DEBUG marking 'usbutils' for removal
2008-05-15 19:33:06,353 DEBUG package 'usbutils' has unwanted removals, skipping

root@lothar:/home/wim# cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | grep ERR
2008-05-15 17:13:41,566 ERROR Installing/upgrading 'xserver-xorg-input-all' failed
2008-05-15 17:13:41,583 ERROR Installing/upgrading 'xserver-xorg-input-evdev' failed
2008-05-15 17:13:41,600 ERROR Installing/upgrading 'xserver-xorg-input-wacom' failed
2008-05-15 17:13:41,616 ERROR Installing/upgrading 'xserver-xorg-input-elographics' failed
2008-05-15 17:13:41,633 ERROR Installing/upgrading 'xserver-xorg-input-synaptics' failed
2008-05-15 17:13:41,650 ERROR Installing/upgrading 'xserver-xorg-input-kbd' failed
2008-05-15 17:13:41,667 ERROR Installing/upgrading 'xserver-xorg-input-mouse' failed

and most important probably
root@lothar:/home/wim# cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | grep belnet
2008-05-15 17:12:44,406 DEBUG examining: 'deb dapper main restricted universe multiverse'
2008-05-15 17:12:44,408 DEBUG entry '# deb dapper main restricted universe multiverse' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-05-15 17:12:44,408 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src dapper main restricted universe multiverse'
2008-05-15 17:12:44,411 DEBUG entry '# deb-src dapper main restricted universe multiverse' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-05-15 17:12:44,411 DEBUG examining: 'deb dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse'
2008-05-15 17:12:44,413 DEBUG entry '# deb dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-05-15 17:12:44,414 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse'
2008-05-15 17:12:44,416 DEBUG entry '# deb-src dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-05-15 17:12:44,416 DEBUG examining: 'deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse'
2008-05-15 17:12:44,419 DEBUG entry '# deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse' was disabled (unknown mirror)
2008-05-15 17:12:44,419 DEBUG examining: 'deb-src dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse'
2008-05-15 17:12:44,421 DEBUG entry '# deb-src dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse' was disabled (unknown mirror)

So what are my options?
1. let it run, and probably it will be a mess?
2. break the dist-upgrade process during step "cleaning up", adapt the sources.list by hand by changing all the dapper words to hardy (before the update manager reaches the last step 'restarting the system') ; and then run aptitude dist-upgrade?
3. somehow make sure that the update-manager recognizes the mirror i use as valid? (i only found /usr/share/update-manager/channels/ , if i add my mirror to this file, prior to upgrading, it will be recognize my mirror belnet as valid?)
4. change sources.list entries to site, slow for me, more load for ubuntu.
6. other options

Could u give me suggestions what to do?

for now :
i have stopped the upgrade process name (hardy),
anyway hopes this helps someone
