@Dan, the design is available on https://app.zeplin.io/project/6319abf25548b04abcee1b5f/dashboard
The Kinetic target is correct, even if the service isn't available on non LTS serie we need the code to be merged in the current serie before being backported by SRU rules
The corresponding PR is https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/update-manager/ua/+merge/430517 which Julian reviewed and merged now, thanks!
@Dan, the design is available on https:/ /app.zeplin. io/project/ 6319abf25548b04 abcee1b5f/ dashboard
The Kinetic target is correct, even if the service isn't available on non LTS serie we need the code to be merged in the current serie before being backported by SRU rules
The corresponding PR is https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~robert- ancell/ update- manager/ ua/+merge/ 430517 which Julian reviewed and merged now, thanks!