This seems to be due to some python packages which you've installed from a PPA.
libpython3.3 3.3.0-1irie1~precise1 1 libpython3.3-minimal 3.3.0-1irie1~precise1 1 libpython3.3-stdlib 3.3.0-1irie1~precise1 1 libpython3.4 3.4.0-2ubuntu1irie1~precise1 0 libpython3.4-minimal 3.4.0-2ubuntu1irie1~precise1 1 libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.0-2ubuntu1irie1~precise1 1
You'll need to install the official package versions of any packages from that PPA for the upgrade to proceed successfully.
This seems to be due to some python packages which you've installed from a PPA.
libpython3.3 3.3.0-1irie1~ precise1 1 3-minimal 3.3.0-1irie1~ precise1 1 precise1 1 rie1~precise1 0 4-minimal 3.4.0-2ubuntu1i rie1~precise1 1 rie1~precise1 1
libpython3.3-stdlib 3.3.0-1irie1~
libpython3.4 3.4.0-2ubuntu1i
libpython3.4-stdlib 3.4.0-2ubuntu1i
You'll need to install the official package versions of any packages from that PPA for the upgrade to proceed successfully.