Comment 5 for bug 1444170

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package camera-app - 3.0.0+15.10.20150707-0ubuntu1

camera-app (3.0.0+15.10.20150707-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium

  [ Brendan Donegan ]
  * Use pointing_device from instead of the testCase passed in

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * New rebuild forced.

  [ Florian Boucault ]
  * Remove hardcoded actions in GalleryViewHeader to make it extensible.
  * Set desktop file flags informing Unity that the camera app is doing
    its own content rotation when the device rotates. Manually
    rotate/position depending on device orientation: photo roll bottom
    edge indicators and content first photo roll hint snapshot animation
    countdown timer (LP: #1467461, #1466409, #1467658, #1467661,
    #1447694, #1468269, #1367792, #1468284)

  [ Leo Arias ]
  * Fixed the static errors reported by flake8. Added the check to the
    debian build tests. Added python3-flake8 as a build dependency. (LP:
  * Use pointing_device from instead of the testCase passed in

  [ Olivier Tilloy ]
  * Updated application icon. removed: camera-app.svg added: camera-

camera-app (3.0.0+15.04.20150514-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium

  [ CI Train Bot ]
  * Resync trunk.

  [ Leo Arias ]
  * Use the base class from the toolkit in autopilot tests.

  [ Omer Akram ]
  * Autopilot: Ensure the media directories exist before trying to
    delete data from them. (LP: #1444650)

 -- CI Train Bot <email address hidden> Tue, 07 Jul 2015 11:09:20 +0000