Using: { "schema-version" : 1, "template" : { "category-layout" : "grid", "card-size": "large", "overlay": false }, "components" : { "title" : "category", "summary":"summary", "art" : { "field": "art2", "aspect-ratio": 1.4, "fill-mode": "fit" } } }
A white frame appears around the card. If the summary is remove, the white frame goes away. Checked with John Lea and this is not as intended by design
"schema- version" : 1,
"category- layout" : "grid",
"card- size": "large",
"components" : {
"summary" :"summary" ,
"aspect- ratio": 1.4,
"fill- mode": "fit"
"template" : {
"overlay": false
"title" : "category",
"art" : {
"field": "art2",
A white frame appears around the card. If the summary is remove, the white frame goes away. Checked with John Lea and this is not as intended by design