We don't want an overlay on an overlay, so a tooltip is a non-starter.
However, it might be possible to work the name of the lens in as text
below the icon, visible only on hover. That would not interfere with the
focus indicator (the little triangle above the icon).
If you'd like to amend the bug title and description accordingly, and
perhaps post a flash/html5/animated gif mockup, we can consider this in
more detail.
We don't want an overlay on an overlay, so a tooltip is a non-starter.
However, it might be possible to work the name of the lens in as text
below the icon, visible only on hover. That would not interfere with the
focus indicator (the little triangle above the icon).
If you'd like to amend the bug title and description accordingly, and animated gif mockup, we can consider this in
perhaps post a flash/html5/
more detail.