Lately, I've been having the same issue. My desktop mouse cursor was responsive, but the clicks were registering or being detected.
I was able to ssh into this machine when it happened. Doing a top, I noticed that the load was > 12 ! (Typical load is usually < 2).
Also, there were some ibus related processes hogging up gigabytes of memory. Bizarre and a little unnerving. I killed a couple of these ibus related memory hogs, my system came back to normal.
So, I think the mouse clicks not being detected was a side effect of the system being under such a heavy load that it couldn't respond in a timely fashion to mouse clicks.
Also, as a side note, I changed my Google Chrome configuration to disallow running in the background. It also seemed to be using up a solid gigabyte+ of memory.
I'm going to try to remove ibus and see if the crazy load issue (I wasn't really actively doing anything to stress the system at the time) goes away..
Lately, I've been having the same issue. My desktop mouse cursor was responsive, but the clicks were registering or being detected.
I was able to ssh into this machine when it happened. Doing a top, I noticed that the load was > 12 ! (Typical load is usually < 2).
Also, there were some ibus related processes hogging up gigabytes of memory. Bizarre and a little unnerving. I killed a couple of these ibus related memory hogs, my system came back to normal.
So, I think the mouse clicks not being detected was a side effect of the system being under such a heavy load that it couldn't respond in a timely fashion to mouse clicks.
Also, as a side note, I changed my Google Chrome configuration to disallow running in the background. It also seemed to be using up a solid gigabyte+ of memory.
I'm going to try to remove ibus and see if the crazy load issue (I wasn't really actively doing anything to stress the system at the time) goes away..