I got the bug after just turning off and on window spread.
I managed to fix the bug by reinstalling xorg-server with this tutorial: https://www.computersnyou.com/4945/re-install-xorg-xserver-completely-ubuntu/
After reinstalling the xorg server, ubuntu desktop, unity tweak tools and a reboot; click on "Restore Defaults" on the "Window Spread" tab on unity tweak tool.
I got the bug after just turning off and on window spread.
I managed to fix the bug by reinstalling xorg-server with this tutorial: /www.computersn you.com/ 4945/re- install- xorg-xserver- completely- ubuntu/
After reinstalling the xorg server, ubuntu desktop, unity tweak tools and a reboot; click on "Restore Defaults" on the "Window Spread" tab on unity tweak tool.