The "xinput" tool can be used to set the coordinate transformation matrix for an input device. The hard parts are hooking that up to the appropriate udev or evdev events and calculating the correct transform matrix. It would be nice if that happened automatically inside of the X server. We've done it manually as proof-of-concept but it turns out detecting the transformation is very hardware-specific and at the time impossible to get universally correct.
The "xinput" tool can be used to set the coordinate transformation matrix for an input device. The hard parts are hooking that up to the appropriate udev or evdev events and calculating the correct transform matrix. It would be nice if that happened automatically inside of the X server. We've done it manually as proof-of-concept but it turns out detecting the transformation is very hardware-specific and at the time impossible to get universally correct.
Hopefully, this will be a thing for 14.04.