Comment 4 for bug 1054785

Revision history for this message
mikelococo (mikelococo) wrote : Re: Wait to install by default until 13.04

This bug isn't an opinion, it's a proposal for a specific technical change (to not ship unity-lens-shopping in 12.04). That proposal is supported by many facts:

1) It's a contentious feature, evidenced by the many "hot" bugs filed.
2) It's proposed for a default-on state in a widely used component (home lens).
3) It has privacy implications when compared to the previous state of home lens in 12.04. Home lens in 12.04 doesn't send queries to remote servers, shopping-lens does.
4) Those privacy implications aren't yet addressed by the privacy policy: Bug #1054741
5) And the privacy implications aren't disclosed upon use of home lens: Bug #1054782
6) At the time the feature was FFE'd, the opt-out process was undiscoverable and required uninstalling the feature entirely. There's no way to use shopping lens at all without sending all your home lens queries to a remote server: Bug #1054746
7) The feature itself results in a lousy user experience due to poor results (Bug #1053678) and inappropriate adult results that aren't tied to any age assertation (Bug #1054282)
8) Despite all of the above, the feature was introduced ***post-freeze*** with little community review: Bug 1053470 and fast tracked due to executive approval at Canonical.

It's a fact that this feature was rushed through FFE in spite of numerous problems. It's a reasonable proposal to react to that fact by rescinding FFE approval and waiting to ship until 13.04. If that's not going to happen, mark it wontfix.