Actually here's a screencast I made more clearly demonstrating the effects of this bug in nautilus. I try to show that dragging very quickly or very slowly works fine, but dragging and releasing right when the launcher is fading causes the drag to terminate and the icon reset. The 14-21 second stretch includes me repeating it six times in a row on the desktop (this happens in normal usage...oh so frustrating). 35-37 shows it happening twice in a row when dragging from the desktop and a window and at ~57 I managed to do it from the window to the desktop.
Each occurrence of a drag & drop failure corresponds with a seeming "flicker" of the launcher in the video. That's when the launcher fade is only partially complete when releasing the mouse button, causing it to fade back in rapidly.
Actually here's a screencast I made more clearly demonstrating the effects of this bug in nautilus. I try to show that dragging very quickly or very slowly works fine, but dragging and releasing right when the launcher is fading causes the drag to terminate and the icon reset. The 14-21 second stretch includes me repeating it six times in a row on the desktop (this happens in normal usage...oh so frustrating). 35-37 shows it happening twice in a row when dragging from the desktop and a window and at ~57 I managed to do it from the window to the desktop.
Each occurrence of a drag & drop failure corresponds with a seeming "flicker" of the launcher in the video. That's when the launcher fade is only partially complete when releasing the mouse button, causing it to fade back in rapidly.