I temporarily could solve according to #13, but using "xbindkeys"according to this thread: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xbindkeys . As stated above the on screen display for audio is then not visible any more! I like this solution more, because it does not depend on the gui you are using (unity, cinnamon, ...)
"xbindkeys" uses "dB"-steps by default. But you also could use "1%+/-" to toggle the sound.
Be aware that it does not toggle your pulseaudio volume. The "maximum" pulse sound level you can adjust using the "audio settings" dialog.
You can check everything running "alsamixer" in a terminal and the "audio settings" dialog.
I also added the amixer commands to my .lirc configuration.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Install xbindkeys and graphical configuration program (last not really needed for this scenario)
I temporarily could solve according to #13, but using "xbindkeys" according to this thread: https:/ /wiki.archlinux .org/index. php/Xbindkeys . As stated above the on screen display for audio is then not visible any more! I like this solution more, because it does not depend on the gui you are using (unity, cinnamon, ...)
"xbindkeys" uses "dB"-steps by default. But you also could use "1%+/-" to toggle the sound.
Be aware that it does not toggle your pulseaudio volume. The "maximum" pulse sound level you can adjust using the "audio settings" dialog.
You can check everything running "alsamixer" in a terminal and the "audio settings" dialog.
I also added the amixer commands to my .lirc configuration.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Install xbindkeys and graphical configuration program (last not really needed for this scenario)
sudo apt-get install xbindkeys xbindkeys-config
2. Edit a configuration file
gedit ~/.xbindkeysrc
# Increase volume iseVolume
"amixer set Master playback 1+"
m:0x0 + c:123
# Decrease volume werVolume
"amixer set Master playback 1-"
m:0x0 + c:122
# Toggle mute - this is not used here
#"amixer set Master toggle"
# m:0x0 + c:121
# XF86AudioMute
3. Add "xbindkeys" to the programs that should be started after login