1. Make sure youtube scope is not favorited.
2. Remove Google account from Accounts settings.
3. Open youtube scope via Manage Dash
4. Hit the orange 'Log-in to..' button
5. Authenticate with google.
6. Wait till youtube results are refreshed.
The dash appears frozen now. It doesn't crash though, in fact the process is running and the dash responds to the dbus signal which invalidates current scope and forces a refresh (tested with dbus-send --session --type=signal '/com/canonical/unity/scopes' com.canonical.unity.scopes.InvalidateResults string:'clickscope').
1. Make sure youtube scope is not favorited.
2. Remove Google account from Accounts settings.
3. Open youtube scope via Manage Dash
4. Hit the orange 'Log-in to..' button
5. Authenticate with google.
6. Wait till youtube results are refreshed.
The dash appears frozen now. It doesn't crash though, in fact the process is running and the dash responds to the dbus signal which invalidates current scope and forces a refresh (tested with dbus-send --session --type=signal '/com/canonical /unity/ scopes' com.canonical. unity.scopes. InvalidateResul ts string: 'clickscope' ).