Beside the obvious problem of showing inappropriate pictures to minors, there is the additional problem of bystanders naturally assuming that the icons on my computer screen that pop up when I start a program or search for a document refers to things that I have installed/downloaded to my computer. So all future ubuntu users should prepare to have an explanation ready every time they hit the dash button and type just about anyting:
- No, that is not my stuff, really, yes really, it's "ubuntu" that finds this for me on the 'net
- ooookaayy, that sounds convincing....
Beside the obvious problem of showing inappropriate pictures to minors, there is the additional problem of bystanders naturally assuming that the icons on my computer screen that pop up when I start a program or search for a document refers to things that I have installed/ downloaded to my computer. So all future ubuntu users should prepare to have an explanation ready every time they hit the dash button and type just about anyting:
- No, that is not my stuff, really, yes really, it's "ubuntu" that finds this for me on the 'net
- ooookaayy, that sounds convincing....