Comment 2 for bug 834386

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Mika Meskanen (mika) wrote :

Please see the attached sketch – I explored three ways to solve the RTL question.

A) flip the name list carousel, leave everything else as it is
B) flip the carousel, align it to the right hand edge of the screen
B) flip the whole screen i.e. move indicators to the left

A is straightforward, but does it satisfy RTL innate users?
B is more radical change, but creates an overlay conflict between indicator drop-down menus and the carousel, plus breaks the alignment between computer name, carousel and Ubuntu logo.
C is the most tailored solution for RTL, but as the login screen by design is more a state of the desktop than isolated state (that's the reason for having indicators there, wallpaper shining through, carousel riffing the launcher a bit etc.) we should have the whole Unity beneath the login screen flipped, which is not yet the case.

In this light I'd go for Option A for the time being. Whether that's satisfactory for RTL users, I'd like to hear the opinion of someone expert and native in RTL – what do you think?