I was being driven up the wall with this problem for a long time (even in a non-Ubuntu distro) and couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on until someone mentioned Unclutter! (I was blaming the window manager, GUI toolkits, etc.--I never would have suspected unclutter.) It does indeed seem to cause problems.
I sort of worry that -noevent could potentially cause other problems, though. Apparently unclutter uses a lot of funky hacks to do its work which causes weird things to happen in general. There's a rewrite of it using the x11-xfixes extension which looks like a much cleaner solution: https://github.com/Airblader/unclutter-xfixes
I found it fairly easy to build, and so far I haven't seen any problems or weird behavior while using it. It would be nice if it could be considered for inclusion in the Ubuntu repos.
I was being driven up the wall with this problem for a long time (even in a non-Ubuntu distro) and couldn't for the life of me figure out what was going on until someone mentioned Unclutter! (I was blaming the window manager, GUI toolkits, etc.--I never would have suspected unclutter.) It does indeed seem to cause problems.
I sort of worry that -noevent could potentially cause other problems, though. Apparently unclutter uses a lot of funky hacks to do its work which causes weird things to happen in general. There's a rewrite of it using the x11-xfixes extension which looks like a much cleaner solution: https:/ /github. com/Airblader/ unclutter- xfixes
I found it fairly easy to build, and so far I haven't seen any problems or weird behavior while using it. It would be nice if it could be considered for inclusion in the Ubuntu repos.