Comment 0 for bug 482641

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JeongHo Park (jhpark70) wrote : Auto Mounted NTFS partitions cannot be shared by Samba

Binary package hint: util-linux

I am using Ubuntu 9.10(amd64).
After I mount a NTFS formatted disk using Nautilus, I share some directories with the Nautilus's sharing option.
For example, /media/ExNtfsDrive/music_mp3 ---> I set this folder to be shared for everyone. No special security options.

The shared directories can be seen in other machines(Windows machines, Virtual Box Machines, or Ubuntu Machines), however they cannot be accessed.

On the other hand, when those NTFS paritions are mounted manually, they are shared perfectly.
(sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ExNtfsDrive)

Is the a bug or some configuration needed?