I just did the same thing, modifying the 95-keymap.rules. The product is reported as
In order to cover the siblings, the rule should probably be modified to:
ENV{DMI_VENDOR}=="[sS][aA][mM][sS][uU][nN][gG]*", ATTR{[dmi/id]product_name}=="*NC10*|*NC20*|*N130*|*SP55S*|*SQ45S70S*|*SX60P*|*SX22S*|*SX30S*|*R59P/R60P/R61P*|*SR70S/SR71S*|*Q210*|*Q310*|*X05*|*P560*|*R560*|*N150/N210/N220*", RUN+="keymap $name samsung-other"
I just did the same thing, modifying the 95-keymap.rules. The product is reported as
In order to cover the siblings, the rule should probably be modified to:
ENV{DMI_ VENDOR} =="[sS] [aA][mM] [sS][uU] [nN][gG] *", ATTR{[dmi/ id]product_ name}== "*NC10* |*NC20* |*N130* |*SP55S* |*SQ45S70S* |*SX60P* |*SX22S* |*SX30S* |*R59P/ R60P/R61P* |*SR70S/ SR71S*| *Q210*| *Q310*| *X05*|* P560*|* R560*|* N150/N210/ N220*", RUN+="keymap $name samsung-other"