Comment 19 for bug 20223

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package udev - 146-1

udev (146-1) karmic; urgency=low

  * New upstream release:
    - udevadm trigger "--retry-failed" replaced by "--type=failed"
    - RUN "ignore_error" option replaced by "fail_event_on_error"
    - Added HP Presario 2100 keymap. LP: #20223.
    - Added more keymap coverage for Compaq Evo models. LP: #35382.
    - Added Fujitsu Amilo M keymap. LP: #48547.
    - Added Compal Hel80i keymap. LP: #198530.
    - Added Zepto ZNote keymap. LP: #400252.
    - Added Everex Stepnote XT5000T keymap. LP: #400921.
    - Added rules to switch mode of Huawei E1550 GSM modem. LP: #401655.
    - Various other keymap and modem updates.

  [ Martin Pitt ]
  * debian/control: Add missing Breaks: casper (<< 1.174) to avoid breaking
    upgrades from jaunty in wubi installations. (LP: #400138)

 -- Scott James Remnant <email address hidden> Tue, 25 Aug 2009 13:45:17 +0100