Comment 6 for bug 913912

Revision history for this message
John Lenton (chipaca) wrote :


12.04 already has the "offload queue", that should take care of most memory consumption issues for most people. Your case might be a bit extreme, however.

First, just to confirm, please check whether you have ubuntuone.syncdaemon.offload_queue (do a `dpkg -S` on a terminal).

Second, exactly how many directories are you watching, such that you needed to tweak proc? The default max_watches is over 500k. Please check whether you're syncing what you think you're syncing:

( find ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares/ -type d; u1sdtool --list-folders 2>/dev/null | awk -v ORS="\0" '/subscribed=True/{print substr($0, 64)}' | xargs -0 -Ix find x -type d ) | wc -l

this should output how many directories you're watching (this is what needs to be smaller than max_watches).

About the trace, syncdaemon already has a number of options to profile memory usage. If you want to dig into that, go ahead.

Lastly, you need to get that CPU temperature under control. Anything over 70°C should have you worried, 85+ is bad for your hardware (which is why it shuts down). You should have your CPUs back off before they get that hot (I'm surprised this isn't happening automatically for you).