Comment 5 for bug 913912

Revision history for this message
David Ayers (ayers) wrote :

I can confirm this issue with 12.04 LTS.

My CPU is overheating while the initialization is running. I'm syncing quite a few files (I increased my fs.inotify.max_user_watches to allow me to sync about 150K of files/directories).

During synchronization the CPU temperature is between 80°-85° C but my shortly spike to 93° (as reported by psensors and by /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) often this spike will lead to a shutdown of the system. Of course the whole procedure restart after logging back in. It takes about 40 minutes for the initialization to finish, after which 1.5 GB virtual memory is used by the process of which about 1 GB is resident.

I currently have to avoid any other activity on this system and insure the system is cooled until initialization is finished, especially if Deja-Dup starts running at the same time.

If wonder if a trace would help.
would editing the shebang line in /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon work?
Would that help to understand the issue to resolve it?
Or is the issue already well understood and just the way it is?