How to reproduce:
1) qmlscene testcase.qml
2) move the mouse inside the blue rectangle
3) press and hold the left button of the mouse
4) WITHOUT RELEASING the button, move the mouse outside the blue rectangle
5) (optional) move the mouse back inside the blue rectangle (still without releasing the button)
Test case:
import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.3
MainView { Name: "test"
Rectangle {
anchors. fill: parent
anchors. fill: parent
anchors. margins:
color: "yellow"
MouseArea {
How to reproduce:
1) qmlscene testcase.qml
2) move the mouse inside the blue rectangle
3) press and hold the left button of the mouse
4) WITHOUT RELEASING the button, move the mouse outside the blue rectangle
5) (optional) move the mouse back inside the blue rectangle (still without releasing the button)
Expected outcome (qml log):
qml: Mouse filter entered
qml: Mouse entered
qml: Mouse exited
qml: Mouse entered
Actual log (qml log):
qml: Mouse filter entered
qml: Mouse entered
qml: Mouse filter exited
qml: Mouse exited
qml: Mouse filter entered
qml: Mouse entered