A screenshot [1] with 20% lighter background (10% wasn't enough) and 40% lighter foreground colour, both from SuruDark normal palette.
The second one [2] is with 40% lighter background and foreground. That seems to be better a bit.
[1] https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhyt3wr6zwixca2/Screenshot%202015-07-14%2014.27.23.png?dl=0 [2] https://www.dropbox.com/s/89j3wipgkuj4f37/Screenshot%202015-07-14%2014.31.35.png?dl=0
A screenshot [1] with 20% lighter background (10% wasn't enough) and 40% lighter foreground colour, both from SuruDark normal palette.
The second one [2] is with 40% lighter background and foreground. That seems to be better a bit.
[1] https:/ /www.dropbox. com/s/xhyt3wr6z wixca2/ Screenshot% 202015- 07-14%2014. 27.23.png? dl=0 /www.dropbox. com/s/89j3wipgk uj4f37/ Screenshot% 202015- 07-14%2014. 31.35.png? dl=0
[2] https:/