In addition... Until we split out the greeter into a proper LightDM greeter, we have a goofy, insecure, demo method of setting password/pin:
Edit/Create the file ~/.unity8-greeter-demo with the following syntax:
Where password can be "none", "pin", or "keyboard". And passwordValue is either the PIN value or passphrase, depending on the type of password.
Obviously, this is just a temporary solution, but it should be easy to implement in the meantime and will get the UI to work until we have a proper split.
In addition... Until we split out the greeter into a proper LightDM greeter, we have a goofy, insecure, demo method of setting password/pin:
Edit/Create the file ~/.unity8- greeter- demo with the following syntax:
Where password can be "none", "pin", or "keyboard". And passwordValue is either the PIN value or passphrase, depending on the type of password.
Obviously, this is just a temporary solution, but it should be easy to implement in the meantime and will get the UI to work until we have a proper split.