i know this is a really old thread, & i dont't know whether anyone will ever think it wort coding it up, but it would be very useful to have he following 'events' also bound to sound efects:
- (various/name-filterable/generic) on sig interrupts, sockets, etc.
- this way users can get quick reminders as to whats starting and whats finishing in heavily multi-tasknig environments (eg: call centres, support, etc)
- ideally a complete set of voice files from HAL (2001) or StarTresk (orig series) would be my fave flavas.
i know this is a really old thread, & i dont't know whether anyone will ever think it wort coding it up, but it would be very useful to have he following 'events' also bound to sound efects:
- start file read
- finish file read
- start file write
- finish file write
- (various/ message- filtered) confirmation messages message- filtered) alert messages
- (various/
- anything to map to (various) browser events - egL loading, 404, 301, 500, etc, element-has-focus, element-lost-focus, element-disabled, enabled, etc
- (various/ name-filterable /generic) application (script/ job/service) launch/start name-filterable /generic) application (script/ job/service) lanch/stop
- (various/
- (various/ name-filterable /generic) on sig interrupts, sockets, etc.
- this way users can get quick reminders as to whats starting and whats finishing in heavily multi-tasknig environments (eg: call centres, support, etc)
- ideally a complete set of voice files from HAL (2001) or StarTresk (orig series) would be my fave flavas.
just some thoughts.
anyway of achieving his wort of generality?