Comment 5 for bug 1220898

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package ubuntu-release-upgrader - 1:0.203

ubuntu-release-upgrader (1:0.203) saucy; urgency=low

  [ Brian Murray ]
  * test/ resolve test failure regarding EOL upgrades
  * pep8 cleanup, remove some additional unnecessary
  * DistUpgrade/patches/: remove pycompile patch

  [ Steve Langasek ]
  * Drop all quirks for upgrades prior to the karmic->lucid upgrade; all
    releases earlier than 10.04 are entirely EOLed, and in any case users
    should not be upgrading directly from such old releases to 13.10 or
    later without going through the intermediate LTS releases, so this is
    all dead code.
  * Drop use of base-installer for detecting "recommended" kernels for the
    hardware. So far this code was only ever used for a one-time transition
    when more specialized kernel flavors became available on i386 that were
    preferred over the -386 flavor, and in the meantime the code is causing
    wrong results on upgrade for users of UbuntuStudio, which ships a kernel
    flavor that's not known by base-installer. LP: #1220898.
 -- Brian Murray <email address hidden> Thu, 12 Sep 2013 10:38:41 -0700