Attached is a debdiff for xscreensaver cutting down the number of savers installed.
In order to actually cut it down to just the 12 listed above we'd need to remove gnome-screensaver's recommends on rss-glx. Also gnome-screensaver shouldn't install Cosmos, Picture Folder, and Floating Feet (note that only the desktop file shouldn't be installed as the actually binary is called by Floating Ubuntu as well). It might just be easier to keep these, but Cosmos does seem a bit redundant with GLSlideshow already show space pictures. There's also a question of Pictures Folder vs F-Spot. Personally, I don't use F-spot so it's useless to me, but for those that do use it might be nicer than Pictures Folder (although, I guess these would be completely redundant if Bug #127315 is fixed)... If someone from the DX Team would give me some marching orders on what they'd like to see happen with gnome-screensaver, I'd be happy to supply a patch.
ubuntu-desktop also seems to depend on rss-glx.
Also, just to be clear where all the screen savers are coming from, the F-Spot screensaver comes from f-spot and Floating Ubuntu comes from human-theme.
Attached is a debdiff for xscreensaver cutting down the number of savers installed.
In order to actually cut it down to just the 12 listed above we'd need to remove gnome-screensaver's recommends on rss-glx. Also gnome-screensaver shouldn't install Cosmos, Picture Folder, and Floating Feet (note that only the desktop file shouldn't be installed as the actually binary is called by Floating Ubuntu as well). It might just be easier to keep these, but Cosmos does seem a bit redundant with GLSlideshow already show space pictures. There's also a question of Pictures Folder vs F-Spot. Personally, I don't use F-spot so it's useless to me, but for those that do use it might be nicer than Pictures Folder (although, I guess these would be completely redundant if Bug #127315 is fixed)... If someone from the DX Team would give me some marching orders on what they'd like to see happen with gnome-screensaver, I'd be happy to supply a patch.
ubuntu-desktop also seems to depend on rss-glx.
Also, just to be clear where all the screen savers are coming from, the F-Spot screensaver comes from f-spot and Floating Ubuntu comes from human-theme.