<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Response><Ip></Ip><Status>OK</Status><CountryCode>ES</CountryCode><CountryCode3>ESP</CountryCode3><CountryName>Spain</CountryName><RegionCode>51</RegionCode><RegionName>Andalucia</RegionName><City>Sanl<FA>car De Barrameda</City><ZipPostalCode></ZipPostalCode><Latitude>36.7833</Latitude><Longitude>-6.3500</Longitude><AreaCode>0</AreaCode><TimeZone>Africa/Ceuta</TimeZone></Response>
All the above information is right, EXCEPT for the time zone. The right timezone for Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Spain) is "Europe/Madrid", and NOT "Africa/Ceuta".
Obviously, the GeoIP database in geoip.ubuntu.com is wrong.
What can I do in order to fix the above entry in the database?
When I do:
$ wget http:// geoip.ubuntu. com/lookup
I get the following response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?><Response> <Ip>84. 122.158. 151</Ip> <Status> OK</Status> <CountryCode> ES</CountryCode ><CountryCode3> ESP</CountryCod e3><CountryName >Spain< /CountryName> <RegionCode> 51</RegionCode> <RegionName> Andalucia< /RegionName> <City>Sanl< FA>car De Barrameda< /City>< ZipPostalCode> </ZipPostalCode ><Latitude> 36.7833< /Latitude> <Longitude> -6.3500< /Longitude> <AreaCode> 0</AreaCode> <TimeZone> Africa/ Ceuta</ TimeZone> </Response>
All the above information is right, EXCEPT for the time zone. The right timezone for Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Spain) is "Europe/Madrid", and NOT "Africa/Ceuta".
Obviously, the GeoIP database in geoip.ubuntu.com is wrong.
What can I do in order to fix the above entry in the database?