Woops, sorr HX_unbanned, this patch has the same problem as bug 575540. Basically to update to the docs, or create a patch, you need to check out the source from bzr make your change then create a patch and submit it. There are better instructions here:
Thanks again for your submission, if you have any questions please let us know. You can find members of the Doc Team on the mailing list and in #ubuntu-docs on freenode.
Woops, sorr HX_unbanned, this patch has the same problem as bug 575540. Basically to update to the docs, or create a patch, you need to check out the source from bzr make your change then create a patch and submit it. There are better instructions here:
https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/Documentati onTeam/ SystemDocumenta tion
Thanks again for your submission, if you have any questions please let us know. You can find members of the Doc Team on the mailing list and in #ubuntu-docs on freenode.