$ sudo apt install ubuntu-dev-tools pbuilder arch-test
$ pbuilder-dist jammy create
Warning: Unknown distribution "jammy". Do you want to continue [y|N]? y
Cannot determine if "create" is a valid architecture. Please install the arch-test package and retry.
debootstrap from lunar-proposed:
$ pbuilder-dist jammy create
W: /home/vorlon/.pbuilderrc does not exist
I: Logging to /home/vorlon/pbuilder/jammy_result/last_operation.log
W: cgroups are not available on the host, not using them.
I: Distribution is jammy.
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-dev-tools pbuilder arch-test
$ pbuilder-dist jammy create
Warning: Unknown distribution "jammy". Do you want to continue [y|N]? y
Cannot determine if "create" is a valid architecture. Please install the arch-test package and retry.
debootstrap from lunar-proposed:
$ pbuilder-dist jammy create .pbuilderrc does not exist pbuilder/ jammy_result/ last_operation. log
W: /home/vorlon/
I: Logging to /home/vorlon/
W: cgroups are not available on the host, not using them.
I: Distribution is jammy.