Regarding the requestbackport package, it is really only the template for the bug report that needs to change from memory. I don't think it had any other workflow related information. Once that is fixed, it just needs a reference from the backports process wiki again (like it used to have).
Regarding the backportpackage script, I just tried it, and it is fine for testing in a ppa. I think we could already recommend using this on the wiki with a ppa specified in the -u option. Perhaps a warning not to upload to the archive with it yet would be required though. I had hoped I could specify the new "bpo" version string with the suffix option, but according to the manpage, the "~ubuntu" bit is hardwired:
-S SUFFIX, --suffix=SUFFIX
Add the specified suffix to the version number when backporting. backportpackage will always append ~ubuntuDESTINATION.1 to the original version number, and if SUFFIX is specified, it is ap‐ pended to that, to get version numbers of the form ORIGINAL_VER‐ SION~ubuntuDESTINATION.1SUFFIX. If the backported package is be‐
ing uploaded to a PPA, then SUFFIX defaults to ~ppa1, otherwise
the default is blank.
Now that a bug is always required, I suppose the script should prompt for that, and the "-c/--close" options be taken away.
Regarding the requestbackport package, it is really only the template for the bug report that needs to change from memory. I don't think it had any other workflow related information. Once that is fixed, it just needs a reference from the backports process wiki again (like it used to have).
Regarding the backportpackage script, I just tried it, and it is fine for testing in a ppa. I think we could already recommend using this on the wiki with a ppa specified in the -u option. Perhaps a warning not to upload to the archive with it yet would be required though. I had hoped I could specify the new "bpo" version string with the suffix option, but according to the manpage, the "~ubuntu" bit is hardwired:
backportpackage will always append ~ubuntuDESTINAT ION.1 to the
original version number, and if SUFFIX is specified, it is ap‐
pended to that, to get version numbers of the form ORIGINAL_VER‐
SION~ubuntuDEST INATION. 1SUFFIX. If the backported package is be‐
-S SUFFIX, --suffix=SUFFIX
Add the specified suffix to the version number when backporting.
ing uploaded to a PPA, then SUFFIX defaults to ~ppa1, otherwise
the default is blank.
Now that a bug is always required, I suppose the script should prompt for that, and the "-c/--close" options be taken away.