I just install ubuntu desktop amd64, install all the tools to build a new image. create a new image template with ubuntu-defaults-template (empty, I don't do any customization).
launch: ubuntu-defaults-image --package generatedtemplatepackage.deb --arch=amd64
and the process ends with the error above. I don't think I should generate a gpg key by myself, I never did it in the past ubuntu releases.
Thank you very much
I just install ubuntu desktop amd64, install all the tools to build a new image. defaults- template (empty, I don't do any customization).
create a new image template with ubuntu-
launch: defaults- image --package generatedtempla tepackage. deb --arch=amd64
and the process ends with the error above.
I don't think I should generate a gpg key by myself, I never did it in the past ubuntu releases.
Thank you very much