Images are shown rotated by camera-app in cooler and frieza.
Seen in
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ system-image-cli -i
current build number: 41
device name: cooler
channel: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/bq-aquaris-pd.en
last update: 2016-05-04 08:48:15
version version: 41
version ubuntu: 20160504
version device: 20160411.0
version custom: 20160330--38-10-vivid
Images are shown rotated by camera-app in cooler and frieza.
Seen in
phablet@ ubuntu- phablet: ~$ system-image-cli -i touch/rc- proposed/ bq-aquaris- pd.en -38-10- vivid
current build number: 41
device name: cooler
channel: ubuntu-
last update: 2016-05-04 08:48:15
version version: 41
version ubuntu: 20160504
version device: 20160411.0
version custom: 20160330-