Comment 41 for bug 270303

Revision history for this message
Rob Vaughan (vaughan65) wrote : Re: MASTER - firefox (intrepid): "your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted"

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64;
en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032712
Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.8
in Intrepid AMD64

This seems to have fixed it for me.
Copy $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default/localstore.rdf somewhere "for just in case".
Rename $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default/localstore.rdf
to $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default/XXXXXlocalstore.rdf
Start Firefox, it should start minimalist and create a basic
                $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default/localstore.rdf .
Delete this newly made $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default/localstore.rdf
Rename $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default/XXXXXlocalstore.rdf
to $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default/localstore.rdf
Start Firefox and all settings etc should be as you had them.