* Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 package - "ready for prime-time"!
* Multiple fixes and improvements to debian/rules: "rewrite substitution
rules", "bad .autoreg install path makes package ftbfs", "Firefox must not
ship reporter extension; its shipped in xulrunner-1.9", "enable
mozilla-devscript's in binary-post-install", "--disable-debug passed twice
in configure"
- update debian/rules
* Multiple fixes required by libxul linkage with jemalloc: "libjemalloc.so
cannot be installed - doesn't exist", "-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions in LDFLAGS
cause crashes at startup"
- update debian/firefox-3.0.install
- update debian/rules
* fix LP: #185622 - "Firefox 3 doesn't act as the default browser"; we
always check for and use /usr/bin/firefox now. Don't use " to delimit
the parameters of the preferred browser command used to update gconf
- add debian/patches/lp185622_system_path_default_browser.patch
- update debian/patches/series
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
* fix "New plugins only recognized _after_ restarting firefox"; the gecko
1.9 plugin host doesn't scan plugin directories automatically for
previously not available mime-types and extensions anymore. This fix
assures that the browser receives a NewPluginInstalled through the
tabbrowser.selectedBrowser by registering a special listener before
starting the plugin installer wizard. After plugins are properly installed
we remove that listener again.
- add debian/patches/bzXXX_reload_new_plugins.patch
- update debian/patches/series
firefox-3.0 (3.0~b5+ nobinonly- 0ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Firefox 3.0 Beta 5 package - "ready for prime-time"!
* Multiple fixes and improvements to debian/rules: "rewrite substitution devscript' s in binary- post-install" , "--disable-debug passed twice
rules", "bad .autoreg install path makes package ftbfs", "Firefox must not
ship reporter extension; its shipped in xulrunner-1.9", "enable
in configure"
- update debian/rules
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
* Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>
* Multiple fixes to the apport hook: "remove .pyc file garbage during prerm", apport/ firefox- 3.0.py firefox- 3.0.prerm firefox- 3.0.install
"bad install path", "bad extension directories used to gather data"
- update debian/
- update debian/
- update debian/
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
* Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>
* Multiple fixes required by libxul linkage with jemalloc: "libjemalloc.so -functions in LDFLAGS firefox- 3.0.install
cannot be installed - doesn't exist", "-Wl,-Bsymbolic
cause crashes at startup"
- update debian/
- update debian/rules
* Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>
* Fix multiple misc bugs: "migration creates double dots for abandoned firefox. sh.in firefox- 3.0.install firefox- 3.0.postinst. in firefox- 3.0-restart- required. update- notifier
profiles", "Wikipedia search plugin shipped upstream", "blocklist.xml not
installed", "use LIBDIR when touching .autoreg in postinst", "Fix restart
notification misbehaviour", "Improve package description (LP: #207199)"
- update debian/
- drop debian/wikipedia.*
- update debian/
- update debian/rules
- update debian/
- update debian/
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
* Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>
* Misc package housekeeping changes: "Bump xulrunner-1.9 patches/ dont_depend_ on_nspr_ sources. patch patches/ nspr_flags_ by_pkg_ config_ hack.patch
dependencies to b5", "Adjust patches", "desktop files not valid
(LP: #194970)", "relax dependencies on xulrunner. no upper bounds":
- update debian/control
- update debian/
- update debian/
* Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>
* Multiple Translation related fixes and improvements: "Reuse translations devscripts and export en-US.xpi to debian/ lp-export- xpis/ firefox- final.desktop
from firefox 2 .desktop file", "include lp-export-xpi.mk from
- update debian/
- update debian/rules
- update debian/control
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
* Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>
* Fixing chrome registration issues by properly shipping FF3_DIR) /.autoreg and touching it in postinst maintainer scripts firefox- 3.0.postinst. in firefox- 3.0-gnome- support. postinst
- update debian/rules
- update debian/
- add debian/
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
* Fabien Tassin <email address hidden>
* fix LP: #185622 - "Firefox 3 doesn't act as the default browser"; we handler. patches/ lp185622_ system_ path_default_ browser. patch patches/ series
always check for and use /usr/bin/firefox now. Don't use " to delimit
the parameters of the preferred browser command used to update gconf
- add debian/
- update debian/
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
* fix "New plugins only recognized _after_ restarting firefox"; the gecko selectedBrowser by registering a special listener before patches/ bzXXX_reload_ new_plugins. patch patches/ series
1.9 plugin host doesn't scan plugin directories automatically for
previously not available mime-types and extensions anymore. This fix
assures that the browser receives a NewPluginInstalled through the
starting the plugin installer wizard. After plugins are properly installed
we remove that listener again.
- add debian/
- update debian/
* Alexander Sack < <email address hidden>>
-- Fabien Tassin <email address hidden> Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:26:23 +0200