This bug affects me too! It trashed a drive on my test PC, Windows reference installation, Ubuntu 9.10 reference installation, and a data backup partition (with the Windows partition images. Rats!). This was a *show stopper* for me.
It took forever to get my drive back together again, I am not geared up to install Windows, it was a real pain.
I was gobsmacked and spent the following two days doing systematic user level tests to verify that it was not in fact my fault.
My tests, which *repeatedly* verified this problem, on two different machines, were as follows:
Use a single hard drive PC with disposable drive contents.
I used an Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop Live CD (32 bit in my case) md5 checked and also CD self checked ok.
I created two partitions on the drive, one NTFS and one ext4. It did not make much difference ultimately however I deliberately made one partition bigger than the other, using a number of size conditions.
I began the install process, chose 'Install alongside other operating systems'.
Then I chose the option button 'Use Entire Partition'
(note: I carefully deliberately avoided 'the whole drive')
I could see that the partitioner had identified a partition, and it was shown in the GUI display in a valid way (eg /dev/sda5) and I could also see the resizing option slider, which I did not use.
I was confident that 'Use Entire Partition' meant what it said, I proceeded.
I then found that the whole drive was trashed, and the Ubuntu 10.10 new installation took over the WHOLE drive!
This bug affects me too! It trashed a drive on my test PC, Windows reference installation, Ubuntu 9.10 reference installation, and a data backup partition (with the Windows partition images. Rats!). This was a *show stopper* for me.
It took forever to get my drive back together again, I am not geared up to install Windows, it was a real pain.
I was gobsmacked and spent the following two days doing systematic user level tests to verify that it was not in fact my fault.
My tests, which *repeatedly* verified this problem, on two different machines, were as follows:
Use a single hard drive PC with disposable drive contents.
I used an Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop Live CD (32 bit in my case) md5 checked and also CD self checked ok.
I created two partitions on the drive, one NTFS and one ext4. It did not make much difference ultimately however I deliberately made one partition bigger than the other, using a number of size conditions.
I began the install process, chose 'Install alongside other operating systems'.
Then I chose the option button 'Use Entire Partition'
(note: I carefully deliberately avoided 'the whole drive')
I could see that the partitioner had identified a partition, and it was shown in the GUI display in a valid way (eg /dev/sda5) and I could also see the resizing option slider, which I did not use.
I was confident that 'Use Entire Partition' meant what it said, I proceeded.
I then found that the whole drive was trashed, and the Ubuntu 10.10 new installation took over the WHOLE drive!