After a bit more reading it appears that PPA addresses the issue of grub2 not detecting an existing Windows OS.
Since Paul Stimpson attached no actual system logs I can't be certain that such was not the case, other than taking his word for it, but if you look at bug 682429 you'll see logs that make it perfectly clear this has nothing to do with grub2.
The existing partitions are actually overwritten! And partitioning changes are made earlier in the installation process than grub installation which is one of the last things to take place during install.
After a bit more reading it appears that PPA addresses the issue of grub2 not detecting an existing Windows OS.
Since Paul Stimpson attached no actual system logs I can't be certain that such was not the case, other than taking his word for it, but if you look at bug 682429 you'll see logs that make it perfectly clear this has nothing to do with grub2.
The existing partitions are actually overwritten! And partitioning changes are made earlier in the installation process than grub installation which is one of the last things to take place during install.