Looking at this bug and bug 897270 it seems odd to me that the Traceback.txt doesn't appear in the UbiquitySyslog file at all. Additionally, looking at all the duplicates the latest version of ubiquity that this (the traceback disconnect) happened in was version 2.6.10 from Natty and 2.7.10 which is no longer available. So I'm not certain this really needs fixing anymore.
Having said that the Traceback.txt in this report is very generic and it would be helpful to blacklist it as a duplicate signature if possible.
Looking at this bug and bug 897270 it seems odd to me that the Traceback.txt doesn't appear in the UbiquitySyslog file at all. Additionally, looking at all the duplicates the latest version of ubiquity that this (the traceback disconnect) happened in was version 2.6.10 from Natty and 2.7.10 which is no longer available. So I'm not certain this really needs fixing anymore.
Having said that the Traceback.txt in this report is very generic and it would be helpful to blacklist it as a duplicate signature if possible.