Basically the exact title of this bug is the only thing that is left of a bigger array of problems. The earlier problems, not getting one's language even after installing, were bigger ones. The developer of the installer has endorsed guiding the user to install missing language support either during installation (if Internet connection is available) or after installation (if the user didn't enable Internet connection before installation, which is quite common since it isn't hinted anywhere).
I personally still think it wouldn't be unreasonable to offer language support downloading even before the installation start, and additionally offering to restart GNOME to put them into use. Maybe a dialog at the time user arrives at the desktop but some other language than English was selected in the boot menu - whether one wants to use the Live CD in local language by connecting to Internet and downloading support, or (the recommended) using the Live CD as is as a quick functionality glance and proceed later to the always localized installer.
If assuming Internet connectivity is not too much, this would avoid the much greater hassle of providing tens of different Ubuntu CDs all with different language sets.
Note my updates at the spec https:/ /blueprints. launchpad. net/ubuntu/ +spec/better- desktop- cd-language- support
Basically the exact title of this bug is the only thing that is left of a bigger array of problems. The earlier problems, not getting one's language even after installing, were bigger ones. The developer of the installer has endorsed guiding the user to install missing language support either during installation (if Internet connection is available) or after installation (if the user didn't enable Internet connection before installation, which is quite common since it isn't hinted anywhere).
I personally still think it wouldn't be unreasonable to offer language support downloading even before the installation start, and additionally offering to restart GNOME to put them into use. Maybe a dialog at the time user arrives at the desktop but some other language than English was selected in the boot menu - whether one wants to use the Live CD in local language by connecting to Internet and downloading support, or (the recommended) using the Live CD as is as a quick functionality glance and proceed later to the always localized installer.
If assuming Internet connectivity is not too much, this would avoid the much greater hassle of providing tens of different Ubuntu CDs all with different language sets.