Created the ISO, works flawlessly. Mind you: If only one language is chosen, that language shows up in the menu. You have the ability to pick more. I tried Dutch and Esperanto and those two remained under the F2 key. Started the Live CD in Dutch and all dialogues were Dutch, except: Add/Remove programs is in Dutch but the listed items were "Alles" (Dutch) but then again "Accessories","Education","Games","Graphics","Internet","Office","Other","Programming","Sound and Video","System Tools","Universal Access" all still remained in English. This, again, is the bug I have reported before. Despite that the language chosen is correct, this menu item persistently produces English. Applications I have tested so far (Office, some games, some utilities, Firefox and Evolution were all in Dutch as is a large part of the helpfile.
Created the ISO, works flawlessly. Mind you: If only one language is chosen, that language shows up in the menu. You have the ability to pick more. I tried Dutch and Esperanto and those two remained under the F2 key. Started the Live CD in Dutch and all dialogues were Dutch, except: Add/Remove programs is in Dutch but the listed items were "Alles" (Dutch) but then again "Accessories" ,"Education" ,"Games" ,"Graphics" ,"Internet" ,"Office" ,"Other" ,"Programming" ,"Sound and Video","System Tools","Universal Access" all still remained in English. This, again, is the bug I have reported before. Despite that the language chosen is correct, this menu item persistently produces English. Applications I have tested so far (Office, some games, some utilities, Firefox and Evolution were all in Dutch as is a large part of the helpfile.